The VITA Assist software currently combines the VITA ShadeAssist and VITA ToothConfigurator modules.
With VITA Assist, tooth shades determined by the VITA Easyshade are recorded and communicated professionally. The Windows-based PC software combines digital patient photos with all relevant patient tooth shade information. At the same time, it allows for the case documentation and provides the basis for intensive exchange between the dental practice and laboratory.
VITA Assist. Professional tooth shade communication and documentation for the dental practice and laboratory
VITA Assist actively supports the selection of appropriate CAD/CAM materials, in the layering of ceramic restorations and in the fabrication of complex restoration solutions, even for the most difficult cases. You will benefit from features such as:
- Wireless transmission of VITA Easyshade data
- Professional post-processing of patient photos for optimum documentation
- Integration option for digital X-ray images, detailed photos and contour images
- Versatile comment functions
- Active support functions for the selection of the most appropriate materials for each individual case
VITA ShadeAssist
- Perfect interface between the dental practice and laboratory
- Allows the shade to be communicated without errors
- In doing so, it minimizes the costs for sustainable shade determination and corrections
VITA ToothConfigurator
- Interactive consultation module
- Includes the patient in planning the implant